President’s Message

Tooting the Studio Talent Group Horn!

In this volatile business with ever changing managers, agents, and businesses seeming to close with every swing of the door I wanted to thank my clients, both past and present as the Studio Talent Group began its first year of business on February 1, 1995.

My career change from actor to manager began on July 1, 1994 and I opened STG on February 1, 1995 hoping we would last 1 year but determined to succeed. My acting career has long been on hiatus but I hope that we are helping others to succeed. I promised myself that I would be honest, true to my convictions, and of service to performers. I believe that STG remains true to my convictions.

We have obtained thousands of auditions for our clients, operated at a profit, and still facilitated many thousands in charitable donations over the past years. I am active in my community and throughout the nation as well. As a past President of the Talent Managers Association in the United States and a current member of the National Conference Of Personal Managers I am committed to seeing honesty, ethics and integrity be foremost in our section of the Entertainment industry. For my community I serve as Chair of the Recreation & Parks Commission for the the City Of Santa Monica. For California I served as President of the California Association Of Parks & Recreation Commissioners & Board Members. I deeply believe it is necessary for all actors and members of the entertainment industry to use their voices in support of their communities.

Here’s a relevant quotation from our 30th President:

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence.

Genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb.

Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts.

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”

It is inevitable that each of you want the road to personal greatness to be a quick and easy journey. You must remember that the journey itself is precious and you will not complete your personal road map without persistence.

For those of you who may wish to either meet with me or glean some information about the entertainment business from me I have continued to meet with groups of actors periodically. In fact, I always meet informally with actors from Los Angeles to New York. The Actors Network, SAG Conservatory, Actors Key, and our own Twitter generals are among the ways I try to keep in touch with local actors. Included, more formally, are many universities. Among them are Missouri State University, UCLA, Long Beach State, University Of North Carolina Wilmington, Moorpark College, University Of California Santa Barbara, University Of Nevada Las Vegas, Chapman University, Pepperdine University, Ohio State University, Hampton College, Otterbein University and Evangel University. If you would like your group or university to have me stop by as a guest feel free to call or e mail my office. Most of these events are FREE(as it should be to meet a talent representative!) and are informative.

The Studio Talent Group remains deeply committed to assisting those in need.

Each year I am both the honorary and working chairman and host for many charity benefits. From the Boys & Girls Clubs Of Santa Monica to the Pico Youth & Family Center, Sojourn, HOPE, The Cancer Support Community/Benjamin Center, The Westside Center For Independent Living, The Al Wooten Foundation, Ettie Lee Foundation and The Airport Marina Counseling Center have all received my support.

The official charity of the Studio Talent Group is the Boys and Girls Club Of Santa Monica and our annual Dinner/Auction is held each October In Santa Monica. If you have an item, gift certificate, trip or merchandise that could be donated for our next silent and live auction please call!! The kids need our help!


My best to each of you . . . always

Phillip L. Brock
Studio Talent Group

– This is a copy of an article that appeared in the Venice-Marina-Santa Monica Argonaut on November 3, 2005 –

Phil Brock, early member, continues his interest in Boys & Girls Club of Santa Monica

Lifelong Santa Monica resident Phil Brock spent a good part of his childhood as an active member of what is now the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Monica.
Now he is in a position to give back to the club that helped shape his life. Brock, 51, president of Studio Talent Group, a Santa Monica talent agency, also serves as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica Council president.
The Boys & Girls Club is a special place for Brock, who joined the club at age 11 when it was the Boys Club of Santa Monica.
His parents had recently gone through a divorce when Brock’s father dropped him off at the club one day after school.
Brock said he attended the club fairly steadily after school and helped volunteer in the various activities that were offered.
The club soon “became my home away from home,” where the interaction with other youngsters had a real impact, he said.
“You end up mentoring the younger kids and the older kids end up mentoring you,” Brock said.

During his time at the club, Brock says he participated in nearly every aspect of the club and earned his first work experience. Some of the positions he held include membership secretary, social recreation assistant, athletic department assistant and assistant librarian.
“I always knew that I wanted to teach and coach and it really cemented that in me,” Brock said.
The Boys Club of Santa Monica main branch opened in 1946 at 1238 Lincoln Blvd., Santa Monica, and became the Boys & Girls Club in 1990.
The Santa Monica Boys & Girls Club serves youngsters seven to 18 years old and currently has a membership of more than 4,500 boys and girls from Santa Monica and other local areas such as Venice and Marina del Rey.
The club also has branches in Malibu and at all elementary and middle schools in Santa Monica.

Some new features of the main Santa Monica club branch include a new computer technology lab with 30 computers, and a sound studio.
Recreational activities for club members include table games, arts and crafts, a skateboard park and various sports such as flag football, basketball and soccer.
When attending the club as a youngster, Brock says he was able to see how the club served a “melting pot” of children from a variety of backgrounds.
“Money didn’t matter,” he said of being a member. “It came down to who you were, not money.”

Brock’s active involvement as a member of the club was evident when he earned the “Boy of the Month” honors and was a runner-up for “Boy of the Year” honors in 1971.
He said his early experiences at the club helped influence his love of teaching. After earning degrees from UCLA and Loyola Marymount University, Brock initially became an elementary school teacher and he also coached football and baseball.
While Brock began to experience success as a teacher and actor and later became president of his own talent agency, he says he never forgot the club that has given him so much.

When the opportunity came to serve as club council president in January, Brock said he was excited at the chance to give back.
“It’s nice to be in a position of power to help increase the amount of donations and help more kids in the community,” he said.
Many leaders have started out as a member of a Boys & Girls Club and a lot of them are still involved in the organization, he said.
Before becoming president of the club council, Brock served as a council member for eight years.
He said the council president position has given him a different perspective of the club’s impact on the young members.
“I get the opportunity to walk through the clubs and see all the good they’re doing,” he said. “To see the money go to use is a great thing.”

As Santa Monica club council president, a main responsibility for Brock is to lead a group of 50 volunteers who reach out to the community and seek donations.
Another key responsibility for Brock is to oversee the 30th Annual Benefit Gala for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica, scheduled Thursday, November 10th, at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, 1700 Ocean Ave.
The Benefit Gala, which includes a dinner, an auction and a raffle, provides “visibility” for the club and is the largest single fundraiser, he said. The goal at this year’s event is to raise about $300,000, he said.

The gala is an important source of funding for the club, but receiving funding from the government remains a main challenge for the club, he said.
“We have to compete with all the other programs that also need money,” Brock said.
With his role as club council president, Brock said one of his main goals is to increase the amount of donations and introduce more innovative programs to the club.
“The Boys & Girls Club gives children a positive place to develop and to be a part of that is gratifying,” he said.

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